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Terms Of Services

1. Agreement

This agreement ("Terms of services"), between RamaHost for Web solutions (“RamaHost”) and the customer ("Customer") governs the provision of RamaHost’s web hosting and related services ("Services”), represents the complete understanding and agreement between RamaHost and Customer. This Agreement is effective once Customer signs up for Services through RamaHost office or website. If you do not agree to the following terms of this agreement, do not purchase, use or access RamaHost services.

By signing up, each customer agrees to comply with the terms of service listed below.

2. Contact information

Customer agrees to keep his contact information and e-mail on file up-to-date at all times. We will use the e-mail on file to send notifications about generated invoices, due invoices, Services suspension, Services termination, new Services provisioned and any other related information. RamaHost recommends using an external e-mail address so that the Customer can receive messages in case there are problems with the Services .

3. Content and prohibited actions

Customer agrees to use the Services for lawful purposes only. RamaHost prohibits the following content on our servers and network.

  • Anything related to IRC.
  • Proxy Scripts.
  • Warez, hacking tools, exploits.
  • Anything related to torrents.
  • Porn web sites.
  • Download oriented web sites.
  • Sites promoting illegal activities.
  • IP Scanners.
  • Hacker focused sites.
  • Copyrights.

4. Responsibility

Customer is responsible for the content uploaded to his account. Customer is responsible to keep their accounts up-to-date and secure at all times. Directories must be chmod to 711 and configuration files with passwords must be chmod to 600. Scripts, plugins, modules need to be kept up to date at all times. A strong password must be used. In case RamaHost’s terms of service are violated, RamaHost will suspend the account violating the terms and will notify the Customer via the e-mail on file. RamaHost will not be held responsible for any harm or damage caused by the use of our services. Customer agrees to use the Service in his own risk.

5. Payments

You agree to pay for the Services on time and in advance for the billing cycle Services are provided for. Invoices are generated 7 days before the renew date of the Web Hosting Expire date. Regarding domains you have to renew it as it stopped automatically on it’s expire date which will stopped your website and your emails although your web hosting is in grace period for 7 days after the renew date. If the invoice is not paid within the 7 days grace period RamaHost will temporary suspend services until the invoice is paid in full. RamaHost will terminate Services not paid in full 15 days after the Services have been suspended.

6. Zero tolerance SPAM policy

RamaHost has a zero tolerance against SPAM. Accounts used to send SPAM will be suspended immediately. If the SPAM sending is repeated the account will be removed from our server. We do not allow bulk mailing from our shared servers. Purchased mail lists, opt-in lists will be considered SPAM. RamaHost reserves the right to charge a cleanup fee the Customer who sent unsolicited e-mail which caused the IP of our server to be blacklisted for sending SPAM.

7. Account migrations

RamaHost do free transfers of accounts you want moved to our servers from providers which use cPanel. We do not guarantee the quality of such transfers and you must verify if your account was moved correctly before you change the name servers. If something is wrong with the account after the move and it wasn’t moved correctly it is your responsibility to fix it. In 99% of the transfers there are no problems but we do not guarantee that. We do transfers just because of courtesy to our clients.

8. Backups

RamaHost keeps backups of all files and databases. RamaHost keeps weekly backup for your web hosting accounts including Databases. Customer agrees to use RamaHost’s backups on his own risk. RamaHost doesn’t guarantee the existence of backups at all times and recommends the Customer to store their own backups at all times.

9. Resource usage

Any account on the server cannot use more than the normal usage for the CPU or memory resources. If you use too much system resources, you will be notified to take the necessary actions. If the usage is too high to keep the server unstable, we will suspend the overloading account so that it doesn't affect the other clients on the server. Customers may not send more than 200 e-mail messages per hour. Any account on the server cannot use more than 2% CPU or memory resources.

10. Changes to the terms

RamaHost reserves the right to make changes to the terms at any time without notification. Customer agrees to visit the terms of service regularly for updates.